Friend Saver

Preaching to the unconverted.



Friend Saver

If you’ve ever talked to a loyal ALDI shopper, you know this much: They love ALDI. Like reaaaaaaally love it. So much so that they consider it a personal mission to “save” every single one of their friends from making the horrible mistake of shopping (dramatic music sting) somewhere else (gasp!).

Why? Because they know those poor unenlightened souls are operating under a false belief—that the famously low prices at ALDI must mean their selection is tiny and their quality is low.


What helps people...

The truth is, ALDI’s low prices are only part of the equation for loyalists. They’re just as likely to gush about the curated selection or the uncomplicated shopping experience or, yes, the high-quality and freshness of the food.

The “Shop differentli” campaign captures the real-life magic of these ALDI fanatics winning over their skeptic friends. We then told their stories with “dramatic reenactments” that were as charmingly different and disarming as the brand itself.

...helps business

The campaign, brought to life everywhere, has helped grow ALDI’s pool of new customers.


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